Category: Family

Prophecy About The Roman Persian War-Byzantines in the Quran! Abbas VS Visitor | Speakers Corner

In Surah Ar-Rum (The Romans). Ch 30 in the Quran. It talks about the battle of the Persians and the Roman Empire.

There were so many ways a prophecy would have failed, but Allah told us that this will happen, and indeed that is what happened.

Makeup For Yourself Or Society While Questioning On Hijab! Hashim VS English Lady Speakers Corner

We don’t believe that there is a competition between men and women. Men and women complete  each other, if that makes sense.

Because the reason Muslim women cover is first and foremost, it is what the God has told them to do.

God is not saying to dress for Him. God is telling you what is good for you, what is good for you and for your family and for the environment and everything.

there are many things which are prohibited in Islam; drinking alcohol, gambling, fornication, adultery, even eating food which is harmful to you. Smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and all these things which harm you, All these things are prohibited. Why is that?

It’s not because God doesn’t want you to have fun. He wants you to have fun. But not at the expense of your body which we believe is a gift from God.

What To Do And How To Protect Good Deeds Of The Best 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah~Mufti Menk

It is important to feel the moment. If you’re a believer, you feel a Friday. If you’re a believer, you feel the month of Ramadan. If you’re a believer, you feel the fact that we are in the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. Because you’re a believer.

If you don’t feel it, you need to connect and reconnect with Allah (swt).

None of us are on the ideal. It is a lifetime struggle to get to a higher level every single day. Check your heart. Does it feel a connection to Allah? Does it feel a connection to Rasulullah (pbuh)? does it affect your heart?

If the answer is yes, Mashallah, you’re heading in the right direction.

never become arrogant when Allah has allowed you to engage in Ibada. Never become proud when Allah has protected you from sin and you might see someone else fall into that sin.

Don’t let it make you proud, because that is exactly the first crime of Iblis, the devil himself.

Why Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Said Fear Allah Regarding Women! Mufti Menk

Prophet (Pbuh) speaks about women He says, Oh, people, oh people, women have rights over you, just like you have rights over them. In his final sermon, he’s speaking about the rights of women. He says, Women have rights over you.

The Prophet peace be upon him has expressly mentioned that according to Islamic teachings, it should be the male and the female should support him and he should support her. He needs to respect her and love her and help her to fulfil her duties unto Allah.

And that’s why the Quran says she has rights upon her in the same way that you have rights upon her.

It is a beautiful partnership, and men are definitely responsible for women.

He (pbuh) says, when you married them, you married them with the name of Allah. You took them with the Amana and the trust entrusted by Allah. So look after them.

Remember when you speak to females; speak to them with utmost respect. That’s a real Muslim. That’s a true follower of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

The Golden Traits Of Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) To Be An Ideal Husband In Our Modern Day- Mufti Menk

Discussing the various aspects of the life of Rasulullah (Pbuh), the best of creation, the most Noble of all prophets of Allah; the best of creation, the most Noble of all prophets of Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a great man. He was known as Assadikul Amin. Assadikul Amin meaning the Truthful, the trustworthy as a result of his truthfulness and trustworthiness he e became a husband for the first time

Today we are taught when you’re looking for a spouse, you look at two main things, the Deen / Religion and the Khuluq / Good Nature. If the person has outstanding religion and they have outstanding character, that’s who you want as the father of your children, as an eternal leader of the home for example, a person who will take you through to JANNATUL FIRDAUS.

Your spouse, Allah chooses both of you for a purpose. There is a purpose you will fulfil either a good one or a bad one. Make Dua. It’s a good one. Make Du’a. It is a purpose that will make you earn JANNATUL FIRDAUS as a result.

Don’t become sad when your spouse is asking you to become closer to Allah because that is what your success would ultimately be through mercy of Allah.

the more religious you are, One of the characteristics is you become romantic with the right people. Notice the last words, the right people, because when you’re not religious and when you’re not conscious of Allah, you are romantic, but with the wrong people.

When you’re conscious, you become romantic with the right people. And this love and affection is felt. And this connection is felt so deep. It’s just amazing.

There are days when you may not have and there are days when you will have. A man’s test is when he has everything. And a woman’s test is when he has nothing.

may Allah make us focus on the Akirah and on Jannah.. rather than focusing on petty material things of this world, this world does not equate even the weight of the wing of a fly in the eyes of Allah.

So what are you stressed about? Subhanallah, no need to stress over the Dunia.


“I Want Good For You” The Pain Of The Parents And Vice Versa – Shaykh Omar Suleiman

You will one day come to know what I have said to you.


Allah (swt) guides whom he Wills. You don’t guide whom you loved and so you do your best but you disconnect yourself, you take responsibility, but at the same time you acknowledge your lack of control over the situation. you, leave that to God…

This person is being spoken to by their parents and saying look I want good for you. You’re going to remember this one day; I’m trying to guide you to a good path.

You’re trying to help someone and the case once your own children who you would do anything for them and they’re on a path of hurting themselves, harming themselves and you’re trying to tell them look it’s for your own good. I want you to think about the consequences of your actions.

When someone can’t hear your advice just let them know that you’re going to love them through their stubbornness.  I love you, and I’m going to pray for you and I’m here for you. The door is open.

I’m telling you something that hopefully will one day come back to you.

What will make your advice ugly is when you have ego in it, when it’s condescending, when it doesn’t,… maybe somewhere in there is some Noble intention but in the midst.. of your Noble intention is being lost. The ugliness of your words, right….

For both of these people; both the Giving that sincere advice and the one listening to that sincere advice, right the ego has to be removed from the picture and you’ve got to consider whether if you’re giving advice to someone, sincere advice to someone out of the love of Allah subhanahu wa’ta’ala and out of wanting good for them.

Having Mental Illness Isn’t A Weakness In Faith, Get Help From The Experts| Sh. Yaser Birjas And Sh. Omar Suleiman

Going through a situation where people suffer from mental illness doesn’t mean Therefore if you going to talk to somebody about a mental health issue, you talk to The Experts. So don’t go on make an appointment with the Imam.

you need to go to the imam for Spiritual maybe support or you know that you…. going with a counsellor on the side, but … the imams, you know kind of like help as well to keep in sha Allah on track and so on, that’s good. But don’t depend on the imam primarily for an issue that other professionals who depend on the imam primarily for an issue that other professionals who are specialized in the field they can help you with Insha’Allah.

One thing is that you can’t just pray away a mental illness, A lot of people think that way in this is wrong and to burden someone else with that is also not appropriate. you have to treat it. And treating it is a form of a ibadah That’s a form of worship.

Mental illness hurts you, it hurts people around you. and when you seek to cure that so that you can be a better Muslim, be a better child to your parents, a better sibling a better spouse, whatever it may be that’s actually ibadah, that’s actually an act of worship.

What Lies Beneath Your Parents’ Feet Even After They Died with Five Sets Of Instructions | Shaykh Ali Hammuda

One of the greatest ways of erasing major sins is via the door of repentance that is found beneath the feet of your mother and father.

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Ra) said I do not know of any good deed on the face of the earth. That is dearer to Allah Almighty than being good to your mother. And that is why Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rah) and other said erases even major sins.

Five things to honouring deceased parents:

Prophet Muhammed (saw) Making dua for them and asking Allah Almighty to erase their sins. Carrying out their last wishes after they have died, honouring their friends that they used to love, love, taking care of those ties of , Family Ties that you have because of them.

For This Insurance Allah Takes Care Of Your Children In This World And The Hereafter | Shaykh Ali Hammuda

For those who want to raise their children upon Islamic principles. One of the greatest forms of Islamic Insurance Halal, Islamic insurance that is that you can take out in order to safeguard and guarantee the safety of your children and their principles as Believers is the insurance known as your own righteousness.

Ensuring my own righteousness is one of the key means ensuring the righteousness of my children.

A person who is righteous, Allah Almighty will protect his children on his behalf from the story in suratul kahf, and that the worship that he does of Allah Almighty, It’s blessing will Encompass his children in the life of this world and the Hereafter.

Follow Up The Two Ingredients And See The Change In Your Relationship Marriage | Shaykh Ali Hammuda

If you don’t have a daily relationship with the Quran, then you are fooling yourself into thinking that you are doing good.

These are the Gatherings that will bring sakina upon a house that is fractured, that will erase the sins of a sinner that will illuminate the grave of a Muslim and we’ll take him or her by their hand and guide them to the highest grades in jannah.