Category: Hijab & Beard

Did Jesus Pray To His Father Who Was In Him! Siraaj VS Christian Lady | Speakers Corner

Emphasizes following the way of Jesus (as) or Muhammad (pbuh) as a Muslim. They discuss the belief that Jesus is God and point out that Jesus himself prays to his father, indicating he has a God. The speaker expresses a desire for guidance for those who are confused.

Is It Permissible To Put Makeup Or Not! Mufti Menk

If Allah gave you something, your identity, your looks, your height, perhaps your hair texture type, whatever it may be, love it. Love yourself how you are. It will help your heart solidify.

Love yourself how you are.

I love myself the way Allah made me

As soon as you learn to love yourself the way Allah made you, you are liberated.

I don’t need to fake it to be in the presence of someone else. I don’t.

Not Your Choice To Wear Hijab Or Not ‘How’! Ali Dawah VS Saudi Girl | Speakers Corner

We have this false notion- – That when a woman takes her hijab off, she chose to take it off. I believe this is the biggest false fallacy ever.

Are you telling me that as a woman you choose not to wear the hijab? – Yes.

– I say no, and I’ll prove it.

Are you telling me that the beauty industry, the females around you, the society that you live in, have no effect on you and the way you are perceived? And that has no element on you that you may feel, because the book that I referred to you called “Beauty Sick” tells you about women who are beauty sick.

You wear the hijab ’cause Allah told you to,

The beauty industry, the standards that the societies have put a bar on, you are trying to reach those at the cost that you can even lose your life.

The point is this, nobody has a choice. Listen carefully. Which one is deserving of being listened to the One who Created you or Society?

both individuals have no choice. They are both told to do something.

– One is from the Creator.

– One is from the creation.

Live by the one that God sent you because that’s the best.

Debunking Massive Misunderstandings About Hijab Even By Some Muslims | Mufti Menk

In Islam, we believe that Allah Almighty has given us a certain type of modest beautification through clothing and yes, to cover your private parts, to cover yourself in a nice way, to look presentable, all of this is actually part and parcel of the gift of Allah Almighty upon us.

Hijab is a whole system that we tread upon and live by for the sake of Allah.

When we say hijab, many people think it’s just a piece of cloth, on the heads of women covering their hair, not realizing it’s an entire lifestyle.

Allah says don’t show everything that you have to everyone that is there, otherwise you will not be appreciated.

Part of hijab is to love yourself the way Allah has made you, to appreciate it, to thank Allah for it and dress in a beautiful, modest way whereby your body parts are not being revealed.

Hijab requires you to speak very respectfully to the opposite gender with utmost respect. They should see the character in you, of modesty, honesty, goodness and so on.

Why Hijab in Islam! Mufti Menk | Very Powerful Reminders

In Islam we are taught to dress modestly. This modest dressing is not just for the females. it is for the males as well and we are taught to be of high character conduct, values and so on. This modest dress is supposed to calm us. It is supposed to bring about a sense of peace, a sense of equality, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are fair or dark in complexion. Allah loves you, remember that.

Allah loves you an unmatched love; it’s up to you to reciprocate that. Remember my words, Allah loves you but do you love Allah, that’s the question?

If the answer is yes, how can you give up your prayer? How can you start exposing yourself?

I remember someone asks me a question and I’m taking the liberty of answering it here. Because I think it’s absolutely important. Why would Allah judge you based on your dress? Why do I need to cover my hair or my legs? Why would Allah actually judge me based on whether my legs are covered or my hair is covered, you see? These are the questions of today.

So I said for the same reason that He would judge you; if you prayed or not, if you stole or not, if you did anything else or not. These are rules and regulations. You call yourself a Muslim. What is the meaning of a Muslim? Islam is generally interpreted in two what is the meaning of a Muslim? Islam is generally interpreted in two different ways.

Islam which means to surrender and to submit:  Surrender, who surrendered? Anyone who wants to call themselves Muslim; it means they have surrendered.

There are two things; one is to submit and two is peace. Others will say Islam means to submit and surrender. The reality is it means both of them. you submit and surrender and you will achieve peace.

What you do need to know is life will be full of tests from the beginning to the end and Allah says that you are created to be tested. That’s all.

What Islam Says About Uncovering The Ankles And Above, Tattoos, Piercing Body! Ustad Asim Khan And Mufti Menk

Question; I would like to ask you on the ruling on covering the feet. I’m aware that women must cover, must cover from the ankle and above but I’m not sure about the covering of the ankle and below in front of non -Mahrams.

So is it permissible to leave what is below the ankle uncovered?

When Allah gave me the body it’s only to use for a few years that I’m on Earth after that it will decompose into the soil in the case of the vast majority.

Once we understand and realize that the body is entrusted To Us by the Supreme deity who it belongs to and we wants it back. We will then realize that we’re not allowed to do with it Whatever we want to do, but we will only be allowed to do what He allows us to do, what He has permitted.

But let’s look at the issue of tattoos.

We as Believers look at it by saying who gave me the right to make a permanent change to

This body of mine that the almighty has entrusted me with. So we should not be doing permanent tattoos.

The Young and the old don’t do permanent tattoos in a rush. I did a tattoo and now I don’t Know what to do;

In Sha Allah! These Beautiful Heart-Touching Words Will Change Your Dress Code Forever

In Surat Anfal Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala  Makes Mention  Of The Gifts That He Bestows Upon Man And The Fact That He Doesn’T Take Them Away Until Man Deserves That They Be Taken Away.

That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing. (8:53)

How Many Of Us Lose Contentment Because We’Re Wealthy? You Know What That Means? We Became Wealthy, Temporary Contentment, We Forgot Allah. So Allah Snatches The Contentment Away.

Do Not Take blessings For Granted.  When Allah Has Given You Things Take It Seriously, Get Closer To Allah. So Many People Forget Allah On Their Wedding Days,  On The Day Of Eid, So Many People Turn Away From Allah On Days, When They Are Enjoying The Parties And Whatever Else They Have, Celebrating The Birth Of A Child Or Whatever It May Be Those Are The The Means Of Destruction Of Our Contentment.

We Destroy The Contentment That We’Ve Had, Why? Because We Forget Allah During Our Happy Days, The Next #Eid That We Have Remembered To Worship Allah, Thank Him, #Dress Appropriately, You Will Be Content.

The Next Time You Cut A Pair Of Clothing Or You Buy A Pair Of Clothing, Make Sure It Is Something That Is Modest And That Would Please Allah. If The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Had To See You He Would Be Proud Of The Way You Dressed, Think About it.

We Always Say The Day That Covering Yourself Makes You Very Happy And The Day That Exposing Yourself Makes You Sad Is The Day That You Have Actually Developed A Better Relationship With Allah.

For All Days Try To Please Allah, Try To Please Allah And Do Things In The Right Way. Imagine People Look At Your Dress Code On The Day Of Your Wedding And They Say Wow I’D Like To Cover Like How Fatima Covered For Example And When They Do That You Get A Reward While Yours Lying Down At Home Without Even Knowing, You’Re Achieving Blessings….

You are Searching For Contentment. It Is All Over Revelation And This Is Why We Say Contentment Is Truly From Revelation. – #MuftiMenk